So it’s been quite the 72 hours. At ten to four yesterday,
by quirk of the alphabet, I had the pleasure of being the first councillor to
be announced as elected in Southwark. I was by no means the last, followed not
only by my fantastic comrades Dan Garfield and Lorraine Lauder in Faraday ward,
but 47 other councillors across the borough of Southwark.
It was a win that brings together so many different stories.
Particularly in the Labour-held wards like mine, it
represents an overwhelming endorsement of the radical promises made in 2010 and
delivered across the borough. These include new council housing; making every
current council home warm, dry and safe; regenerations that work for our
communities and not big business – and of course a free healthy school meal for
every primary school child. It was a humbling show of trust and support for a
Labour council that has consistently delivered on its promises to voters from
Looking to the next four years, particularly in wards where
we have made sweeping gains after decades of Liberal Democrat wins, it speaks
volumes about the manifesto on which we stood. It’s not just a manifesto that
will deliver free swimming and gymn use for all borough residents, 11,000 new
council homes, a quality kitchen and bathroom for every council tenant, and
so much more, but a manifesto that was written by our communities, for our
Despite claims in the negative, empty and desperate Liberal
Democrat propaganda in the closing week of the campaign, Labour has not just
been in these wards at election time. Our candidates are hardworking ordinary
people, already serving in local T&RAs, schools, charities, religious
groups and trades unions. They’ve not just drearily canvassed support, they’ve
built trust and respect through their actions before election-time; and more
importantly they’ve brought their community’s concerns to our manifesto. I’m so
proud to be in a Labour Party where our manifesto is written after an open
conference, and with active dialogue with people both on the doorstep through community
groups. I’m so humbled to be elected alongside such hard-working local people.
It’s tackling the cost of living crisis in Southwark that
won us this election, and it’s a theme that our party is working hard on
nationally – promising to scrap the bedroom tax, freeze energy prices, and rein
in the chaotic private rented sector. Across the borough, people are saying
that they know Labour is on their side, whether it be in Westminster or Tooley
And perhaps that’s the most humbling lesson of all. This
election was a wholesale endorsement of Labour values; values of solidarity,
collectivism and redistribution. People not only voted Labour because of what
we promised to achieve, but why we promised it in the first place. They know
that when difficult choices come, especially with the cuts and contempt that
the ConDems have for local government, we’ll make decisions based on those
In giving us an overwhelming mandate to govern Southwark,
people have embraced a positive manifesto for the many, and rejected the ideology
of individualism; ideology that gives support for the bedroom tax for a seat in
a ministerial car; ideology that believes racial and cultural differences are
more important than standing together against social injustice wherever we find
it; ideology that believes the electorate vote for you as an individual, and
not the party you represent.
I know few people voted for me because I’m Paul William
Fleming; everyone voted for me because I’m the Labour Party candidate. And that
makes me proudest of all.
Thanks to all the voters of Faraday Ward! Labour won’t let
you down.